Magical Šumberk

Pravljični Šumberk Domžale Škrateljc Pravljične poti Pravljično-doživljajska transverzala družinski izleti
Pravljični Šumberk Domžale Pravljično-doživljajska pot Škrateljc
Pravljični Šumberk Domžale Pravljično-doživljajska pot Škrateljc
Pravljični Šumberk Domžale Pravljično-doživljajska pot Škrateljc
Pravljični Šumberk Domžale Pravljično-doživljajska pot Škrateljc
Pravljični Šumberk Domžale Pravljično-doživljajska pot Škrateljc
Pravljični Šumberk Domžale Pravljično-doživljajska pot Škrateljc
Pravljični Šumberk Domžale Pravljično-doživljajska pot Škrateljc
Pravljični Šumberk Domžale Pravljično-doživljajska pot Škrateljc
Pravljični Šumberk Domžale Pravljično-doživljajska pot Škrateljc
Pravljični Šumberk Domžale Pravljično-doživljajska pot Škrateljc
Pravljični Šumberk Domžale Pravljično-doživljajska pot Škrateljc
Pravljični Šumberk Domžale Pravljično-doživljajska pot Škrateljc


Domžale is a city with a rich history and mysterious nature. Children will be on an extremely important mission on The Magical Šumberk adventure.

They will help the little fox find her lost straw hatwhich is a very important accessory not only for her, but also for all the other animals on Šumberk, and even for all the people in Domžale.


Beetle Simon from Domžale is great friends with a fox who lives in the forest on Šumberk Hill. The fox always wears her wonderful straw hat. It’s a special hat, for it was worn by her mother, her grandmother and even her great-grandmother … But now it’s gone. How terrible! The fox lost it somewhere on Šumberk and needs help to retrieve it. Magical Šumberk sends the children on a special mission to uncover the straw hat with the help of The Magical Šumberk Notebook. While on the lookout, children learn the story of the Domžale straw hats, travel back to the town’s prehistory and explore the beautiful forest on Šumberk, teeming with diverse trees, animals and even Karst caves. These are home to Domzy the cave gnome and beetle Simon, the children’s guide along the trail. Once at the finish line, the children can collect their well-deserved reward at Češmin Café.


The trail runs from Češmin Park to the Kamniška Bistrica River and over a bridge to Šumberk, before looping back to the starting point, where a reward is given to the children for having completed the task. At 3.54 kilometers in length and with 134 meters of elevation gain, the trail is well-marked and requires about 3 hours to complete.


Magical Šumberk adventure is designed for families, school and preschool children, as well as all hikers in search of well-managed thematic trails and a unique outdoor experience. We recommend light hiking footwear and, of course, a snack and a drink for all young adventurers eager to dive into the natural wonders of Šumberk.

Magical Šumberk adventure is available in Slovenian and English. angleškem jeziku.


The Magical Šumberk Notebook that will boost your adventure on Šumberk can be purchased at Češmin Café in Češmin Park in the center of Domžale, and comes with a free pencil. At the end, a filled-out notebook can be presented at the café in exchange for a reward.


The Magical Šumberk adventure begins in Češminov park in the center of Domžale. Parking: Domžale Elementary School, Rojska cesta, GPS: 46.1424747,14.6024106.


Children need notebook (map) to visit the adventure trail.

Notebook for trail visit – 7 EUR
Picture book Izgubljeni slamnik – 20 EUR

How to reach us? Click on the logo for directions!
